Cariz Escape Sleeve was created by Cariz when Jany Bohm approached Cariz to make a sleeve with certain specifications to deal with proper grips on the escape routine. This sleeve has a forward bite bar with one internal handle and is very balanced. Due to its special design, the dog cannot bite the elbow area but will bite the centre of the sleeve. This sleeve can be used left or right handed for your comfort and flexibility. It comes in white line material and is hand made in Czech Republic by Cariz.
Cariz Escape Sleeve was created by Cariz when Jany Bohm approached Cariz to make a sleeve with certain specifications to deal with proper grips on the escape routine. This sleeve has a forward bite bar with one internal handle and is very balanced. Due to its special design, the dog cannot bite the elbow area but will bite the centre of the sleeve. This sleeve can be used left or right handed for your comfort and flexibility. It comes in white line material and is hand made in Czech Republic by Cariz.
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